Research into corporate governance in Nigerian Bank was born out of necessity to investigate the frequent collapse of some banks ever since the post-independence period. Bank failure is so disturbing because it sits at the centre of the economy. Upon further enquiry, this study arrived at the conclusion that central to the causes of bank failure is the poor management in institutions. The first chapter succinctly discussed the issues of bank failure and faults, centralization of management, misreporting, insider abuses and fraud, violation and non-compliance of internal controls put in place, etc. Causes of bank failures is the locus standi of the discussion of corporate governance in chapter one. Several definition of corporate governance coming from different schools of thought was attempted, analyzed and common position identified. Summarily, corporate governance was defined as the way and manner corporate organizations are directed and controlled by the board for the interest of the stakeholders. Wealth distributions to the stakeholders which is one of the poignant issues corporate governance addressed was central to this study. Review of literature historically traced back bank distress in Nigeria from pre-independence to date. Reasons for the recorded failures were also identified. Aims, principles and provisions of corporate governance were discussed in chapter two. Legal perspective was given to the study by the highlighting on the provisions of OECD, Bank for international settlements, peterside’s Committee, Bankers Committee, King’s reports on corporate governance. The procedures adopted in data generations, data collection, measurement criteria, analysis and interpretations were highlighted in chapter three. The empirical approach adopted in the research gave the work a scientific outlook. Sufficient data generated were tabulated so as to aid analysis. Pictorial analytic tools –graphs were employed in analyzing the data.
In data analysis, a comparative study of the values given to various stakeholders of Banks was done so as to determine their fairness or otherwise. Before arriving at a result data of various companies under review as contained in Value added statement in the past five years were carefully spooled and analyzed. The analyzed data presented in graph simplified the analysis. Conclusively, the study criticized the returns given to shareholders of banks and recommended a comparative review.
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