Bacteria in Nigeria is one of the most devastating diseases in the poultry industry (Muhammed, 2008) resulting in retarded growth, decreased meat production, increased cost of treatment and mortality (Kabir, 2010). Intensive poultry rearing is confronted with extremely complicated disease complexes in which salmonellosis occupy an important place (Majid et al., 2010).Salmonella Gallinarum was isolated in three seperate outbreaks on farms in Abeokuta, but the gross and histopathological lesions associated with the disease have not been described. Furthermore, outbreaks of unconfirmed aetiologic agents were reported in other parts of Ogun State and the Southwestern Nigeria within the same period (Agbaje et al., 2010).
While various researches on poultry bacteria have been done on the prevalence, isolation and identification, antibiotic resistance and susceptibility in different parts of the Nigeria (Okwori et al., 2007; Mbuko et al., 2009; Agbaje et al., 2010; Ajayi & Egbebi, 2011; Fasure et al., 2012), the most sensitive, fast and reliable method of diagnosis of poultry bacterial still a challenge in developing countries like Nigeria.
The clinical evaluation of the disease is difficult and is even impossible to diagnosis by symptoms alone. The bacterial disease results in a morphopathological picture with few macroscopic characteristics.
Diagnosis of Poultry bacterial is done based on clinical signs, serologic test, gross and histopathological lesions (Shivaprasad, 1997; Shivaprasad & Barrow, 2008), but confirmation is done by isolation, identification and serotyping of(Kabir, 2010; Majid et al., 2010). There is a fast and reliable diagnostic test based on real time PCR system that is used to specifically detect S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium for mornitoring purposes in the poultry food chain (Szmolka et al., 2006).
Nigeria has great potential for increased modern poultry production, both for local use and for export. However, expansion was constrained by an lack of premix or veterinary drugs, diseases, a lack of support services and absence of sufficient data on poultry for decision making (CIRAD, 2005).Infectious diseases are remaining among the major health constraints hampering itsintended potential (Chanie et al., 2009).Nigeria has large poultry population with native chicken of non descriptive breeds representing ,hybrids and exotic breeds kept mainly in urban and peri-urban areas 2.84% (CSA, 2009).The rapid expansion of poultry industry has presented many poultry diseases among which is E. coli, Pasteurella spp, Bacillus spp. and Staphylococcus aureus.It is against this backdrop that the study were anchored on the Isolation and identification of bacteria from poultry droppings in of some poultry farms in b/kebbi.
The aims of this study is to Isolate and identify some various forms of bacteria from poultry droppings.
This study were restricted to some poultry farms in Birnin Kebbi and the researcher made use of Poultry birds: Broiler and Layers. Aerobic bacteria isolated from poultry feces were E. coli, Pasteurella spp, Bacillus spp. and Staphylococcus aureus
The need for appraisal of this type is to know the Isolation and identify bacteria from poultry droppings in of some poultry farms. it is assumed that at the end farmers and the consumers within the territory in which the appraisal was carried out will benefit from the findings of the study. During the appraisal, some farmers were questioned and they responded actively and also ask various question s, which help them to manage there farms very well. Therefore, this study will help the farmer within Nigeria to known the various bacterial diseases and how to prevent them.
During the study at the different stages of collecting information from the poultry farmers in Birnin Kebbi several problems were encountered by the researcher prominent amongst them is the poultry farmer due to the suspension of two research intention to publicize their farm. Transportation was also a problem because the appraisal was carried out during the time of hike in transportation.
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