The Use Of Formwork Design And Construction Of High Building


This research project is designed to critically assess the use of formwork design and construction of high rise building. The researcher has carried out an extensive research on how important well designed and constructed formwork could be in the construction of high rise building in Nigeria. The researcher in order to achieve this aim visited libraries, handouts, journals and distributed questionnaires, personal observations. The data obtained from questionnaire was presented and analyzed using the percentage method. The hypothesis was tested using chi-square statistical formula. The researcher found out the followings; that contractors of these days no longer go for superior and construction most contractors prefer using block where concrete should have been used. Recommendations were made as follows it is recommended that contractors should learn the proper way of constructing formwork for concrete components. Standard materials should be used for every formwork construction. There should be a stipulated standard for formwork construction in construction site in Nigeria
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
1.1  Introduction
1.2  Background of the study
1.3  Statement of the problem
1.4  Objectives of the study
1.5  Scope of the study
1.6  Significant of the study
1.7  Definition of terms
2.0  Literature review
2.1  formwork and Concrete for types
2.2  Slab Formwork (Deck formwork)
2.3  Flexible Formwork
2.4  Formwork Elements
2.5  Characteristics of a good Formwork
2.6  Materials for Formwork
2.7  Types of Formwork
2.8  Order and method of Removing Formwork
2.9  Preventing Formwork Failures
2.10 Control Measures Erecting Formwork
3.0  Research Design/Methodology
3.1  Introduction
3.2  Research Design
3.3  Sources/Method of Data Collection
3.3.1       Primary Source
3.3.2       Secondary Source
3.4  Population and Sample Size
3.5  Sample Technique
3.6  Validity and Reliability of Instrument
3.7  Method of Data Analysis
4.0  Presentation and Analysis of Data
4.1  Introduction
4.2  Presentation of Data
4.3  Analysis of Data
4.4  Test of Hypothesis
5.0  Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1  Conclusion
5.2  Recommendations
Appendix I
Appendix II
Form work is the term given to either temporary or permanent mould into which concrete or similar materials are poured. In the context of concrete construction, the false work supports the shuttering moulds.
Formwork  are hollow moulds, which serve as a form for concrete in this way, building components of concrete and reinforced concrete as site concrete will be constructed. In the precasf plant, mostly formwork elements come into use. The use of form work comply with the highest requirements and enable an exact, efficient and thereby economical construction of pre-cast concrete parts.
Some of the earliest examples of concrete slabs were build by Roman Engineers because concrete is quite strong in resisting compressire loads, but has relatively poor tensile or torsional strength, these early structure consisted of arches, vanlts and domes. The most notable concrete structure from this period is the panthern in Rome. To mould this structure, temporary scaffolding and formwork or false work was build in the future shape of the structure. These building techniques were not isolated to pouring concrete but were and are widely used in masonry because of the complexity and limited production capacity of the building material, concretes rise as a favored building materials did not occur until the invention of Portland cement (and developments by the edision Portland Cement Company) and Reinforced concrete.
Despite the numerous achievements of formwork in the construction of high rise buildings, a lot of problems are still associated with the design and construction of formwork for building production. These problems among others are:

  1. Most construction companies do not see the need to the quality material for formwork hence they are discarded after use in most cases. This has constituted a lot of problems design and construction of formwork.
  2. Use of inexperienced contractors is another problem confronting effective design and construction of various types of formwork for high rise building.
  • It is observed that in most construction companies, all the processes involved in formwork construction for concrete components are not duely observed by the contractors and this in most occasion causes formwork failure in high rise building.
  1. In most cases, the owner of the project detects to the contractor the type of material to use for him or her and this has affected so many formworks design and construction negatively.

The main objective of this research work is to access the design and construction of various types of formwork for construction of high rise building. The specific objectives of this research work are as follows:

  1. To determine the effectiveness of quality materials in the design and construction of quality formwork for high rise building.
  2. To evaluate the experience of indigenous contractors in formwork design and construction
  • To determine the various processes involved in formwork design and construction.
  1. To determine the problems associated with effective design and construction of formwork for high rise buildings.
  2. To suggest solution on how to remedy the problems associated with effective design and construction of formwork for high rise buildings.

For the purpose of this research work, the following research questions were formulated.

  1. What are the effective of quality materials in the design and construction of quality formwork for high rise buildings?
  2. What are the level of experience of the indigenous contractors in formwork design and construction?
  • What are the various processing involved in formwork design and construction of formwork for high rise buildings?
  1. What are the problems associated with the effective design and construction of formwork for high rise buildings?
  2. What could you suggest as the means of minizing the problems associated with effective design and construction of formwork for high rise buildings?

This research work will benefit so many people and they are:
The contractor will benefit immensely from this work, as the work will expose them to the various types of formwork, the processes involved in formwork construction and so many other experiences they will gain from the work.
The study would be significant to students who might wish to use it as a basis for further research, it will serve as a spring board from which further research might take off. The data already gathered and documented in this project will serve as a source of information to student as well serve as a reference material in their classroom work.
FORMWORK: Formwork is an ancillary construction, used as a mould for a structure into this mould, fresh concrete is placed only to harden subsequently.
CONSTRUCTION: is the process of preparing for and forming buildings and building systems or it is simply an act of making something especially building bridges etc.
ASSESSMENT: The process of documenting knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs.
CONCRETE: is a composite material composed mainly of water, Aggregate and cement.
CONTRACTOR: this is an organization or individual that contracts with another organization or individual (the owner) for the construction of a building, road or other facility


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