Observatory System for Monitoring Road Accidents By Federal Road Safety Commission Of Nigeria


Observatory System for Monitoring Road Accidents By Federal Road Safety Commission Of Nigeria  (FRSC)



Road Accidents are on the rise due to the high amount of migration from the rural area to the urban areas, Urbanization people are now finding it easier to own cars and use it for their day to day activities. Due to that reason the amount of Road Accident has also risen to all-time highs with estimate of 2000 deaths in four months around the country. Although we record such amounts of Accidents we are not able to learn from them and try to make changes with the same Roads claiming lives all the time. Thus, the need of an Observatory System, the system was developed to help in the data gathering process, storage, and visualization of the data to help in decision making and also knowing how to curb the menace of Road Accident
The Objective of this research is to build and implement an observatory system to monitor road accidents across Nigeria and be able to visualize the accidents, by their severity, locations, driver, vehicle type, casualty, and in some cases fatalities. Also, it would be used to monitor the cause of the accidents and how it would be addressed, the system can be used to take certain decisions when trying to improve the safety of the
roads and when building new roads and bridges. It would be a very good source of data gathering, as Nigeria lacks a system where road accidents and users are being managed if properly managed, the system can be used to know and keep the number of vehicles and drivers in the country whether they have been involved in an accident or not.


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