Personnel department is service-oriented towards staff and entails day-to-day activities of units some of whose functions overlap and involves recruitment of staff, retirement of staff, termination of appointment, processing of request for sabbatical leave, staff training and development, pension funds administration, health management organization, etc., and will be easier, faster and secure adopting a virtual approach rather than its manual counterpart. This project work will establish the need, importance and usefulness of Electronic Data Interchange, Enterprise Forms Automation, Content Management System, Enterprise Right Management and Identity Management system and how these technologies can be used to reduce universities over dependence on paper. The Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design methodology was used in the analysis, design and development of the system with the following Unified Modeling Language (UML) techniques: use case diagram, class diagram and sequence diagrams. Implementing a virtual system in our university administration will enable us to have much better control over processes, workflow will be faster, less of paper, less tonner for printer will be used and lesser printers are needed, fewer employees are needed, leading to a lesser cost in the overall system.
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