Education Project Topics & Materials


lecturers perception of fashion reform against skimpy dressing among students of ekiti state university , ado ekiti


While some university authorities argue that mode of dress is an important factor in determining student’s success of failure and should thus be subjected to rules, orders especially in the humanities and social sciences remains uncounted. Realizing the evil effect of the vice of indecent dressing, this study is targeted at finding lecturers perception of fashion reforms in higher institutions.
          To achieve this, a simple random sampling technique was adopted to select 120 lecturers from department in Ekiti state university as respondents. The method used for collecting data was questionnaire.
          The data collected was analyzed using frequency count and percentage index and simple methods tools to test the formulated hypothesis.



  • Background of the study.

Among the three main basic need of man, clothing stand to be admirable in all admirable in all societies. There is probably no sphere of human activities in which our values and lifestyles are more clearly rejected than the clothes we wear. Kelechi, (2009) stated in every group religion occupation or community. There are certain accepted standard of dress considered right proper and appropriate. He maintained that in a group there are some social norms which govern the clothing behaviour of that group.
Ezinwo (2002) argued that it is one’s husband, wife or medical personnel that are allowed to see these sensitive area for a woman, her breast, armpit, buttock and thigh are to be covered especially in public. For instance, it is considered a healthy practice to put on clothes that adequately cover some sensitive part of the body. The role played by clothing in stimulating or diminishing sexual urge is symbolic of the moral standard of a given culture. Indecent dressing that exposes the body especially in the part of female role attracts an undue attention from male which do lead to sexual harassment that at times leads to rape.

From experience Nigeria Universities are facing problems associated with indecent dressing among the undergraduates on campuses at on unprecedented rate. Ebonughu (2004) reported that some of the universities have implemented dress code to counter the ills and to improve the quality of education. Dress code in Nigeria is not new. Religious groups government workers, banker, nursery/primary and secondary school students, marriage and burial ceremonies all have dress code.
Kube (2003) Olori (2004) Edukugbo (2004) lamented that most of the female undergraduates students have shifted from the socially approved mode of dressing to offensive and provocative styles.
Abube, (2002) and Ezinwo  (2003) are of the opinion that very skimpy skirts, short thigh blouses that exposes the stomach, ting blouses, and tops are some of the crazy undergraduate dresses. According to them, these crazy dresses are copied from foreign culture. It is observed that these undergraduate dress in such a way that they have nothing for imagination of their beholder and through their dressing the willingly or unwillingly subject themselves to opposite sex including students, lecturers and visitors to various forms of sexual embarrassment.
As madness is creeping into the universities in leaps and bands the question that comes to mind is to know their parents views on this situation.
Ezinwo (2002) and Abube (2002) also wondered if these undergraduates received adequate clothing from their parent and weather they are in the right frame of mind when they are putting on those dressing design. Akorede (2009) stated that tertiary institution as citadel of learning have great interaction with the government, parents, undergraduates and the public. He further stated that by the end of completion of the student programme in the university, the graduate should be found worthy in character and learning. To this regard, the universities are delegated with the responsibilities of maintaining an effective and  orderly environment conductive for teaching and learning.
Ebonugwo (2004) and Edukugbo (2004) reported that the following universities have implemented dress code.

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  • Ekiti State University (EKSU)
  • University of Lagos (UNILAG)
  • Lagos State University (LASU)
  • Kwara State University  (KWASU)
  • University of Ibadan (UNIBADAN)

Statement of the problem
Fashion reforms or dress code are lay down regulations to be strictly followed by the students. Kayola (2007) noted that institutional arrangement require certain norms know as the code of conduct of dressing designed by the good dressing habit.
Damilare (2005) observed that our value has broken down completely and so adult and youth alike act without moral scruples. The general emphasis in the focus is the lecturer’s perception of fashion reforms against skimpy dressing among students.

This study stands to reveal the reception of lecturer on fashion reforms in various higher institutions in Nigeria. This study will be in no doubt expose the acceptability or reflection of this reform on the part of lecturers who have interest in the students bahaviour before and after the reforms. This is because the lecturers stand the high chance of giving the advantages and disadvantages of the reforms.
Purpose of the study
The main purpose of this study is ascertain the opinion of lecturers on fashion reforms and its relevance  as prescribed and implemented by some Universities in the country and their contemporaries. Specifically thus, study clearly from lecturers on their opinion on.
The importance of fashion reform to undergraduate students that is dressing putting on for protecting man against the effect of weather and to cover our nakedness.
The characteristic features of the clothes banned on an individual in the societies.
Why the banned clothes should not be worn university campus
The general perception of female lecturers on fashion reform in high institution.
The general perception of male lecturers on fashion reform in high institution.
Research Questions
The following research questions are raised to guide this study
The study was carried out to provide answers to these questions

  1. Were the student‟s adequately aware of Fashion Reform Against Skimpy Dressing In The university?
  2. What Was The Perception Of The lecturers on the fashion reform?
  3. What informed or influence their perception to the Fashion Reform Against Skimpy Dressing?
  4. What are the consequences of the above to the students and the institution as a whole?

Significance of the study
In Nigeria, education is seen by many as to acquire the good things of life.
The result of this belief manifested itself in massive vices in higher institution, which includes wrong dressing habit by students especially the females to attract the male lecturers for mark bonus.
To this regard the research would be useful to the various stakeholders in the field of education.
In other words, it is significant because will provide not yet discovered on the need for fashion reform in our higher institution. It will further be if tremendous guide to students themselves.
The lecturers, institution, authorities, parents ,and government through counseling intervention strategies . Moreover the study will be of tremendous help and foundational group for any researcher who intends to study more on the topics that may be related to this study.
Scope of the study
The research covers the opinion of the lecturer’s perception of fashion reform against skimpy dressing amongst students of Ekiti State University.
1.8     Definition of terms (Operational Definition Of Terms)
The following terms are operationally defined in the context that they are used in the study.
Dress code:– An obligatory way to dress a set of requirements as to know how people should dress.
Perceived:- To understand or interpret something in a particular way.
Skimpy:- Hardly adequate made or done using barely enough of the materials.
Indecent:- Offending public moral standards especially in sexual matters .
Undergraduates:- Students studying for First Degree Higher.
Institutions:- Education that generally begin after higher school or secondary school usually carried out at the university or colleges


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