Education Project Topics & Materials




Background to the Study

Teaching and learning activities are interesting when audio-visual materials are used effectively and efficiently in a classroom-teaching situation. It is necessary for teachers in Selected schools in Nigeria to use audio- visual materials as instructional tools in order to make their teaching more interesting, that is to arouse the learning interest and sustain attention for effective learning. Although among the challenges facing some of the Selected schools in Nigeria is that audio-visual materials are not available and even where they are available, teachers do not use them effectively. The reason for this attitude may be teachers have engaged themselves in so many other relevant and irrelevant activities.
The term audio-visual materials are defined by Dike (1993) as those materials which do not depend solely upon reading to convey meaning. They may present information through the sense of hearing as in audio resources, sight, as in visual resources or through a combination of senses. Indeed, the variety of such resources is a striking characteristic.
According to Anzaku (2011), “the term audio-visual materials are commonly used to refer to those instructional materials that may be used to convey meaning without complete dependence upon verbal symbols or language”. Thus according to the above definition, a text book or a reference material does not fall within this grouping of instructional materials but an illustration in a book does.
Some audio-visual components are in the nature of process and experience, for example, dramatizing an event or a procedure or making diorama. Some of the audio-visual materials like the motion pictures require the use of equipment to release their latent value. Some do not need equipment at all like an exhibit or a study print. This term designates in common usage both material things as well as processes such as field trips.

Statement of problem

The relevance of audio-visual materials in dissemination of knowledge cannot be underestimated. In  Nigeria, some teachers have desired to cover the syllabus or scheme of work instead of making learning more meaningful and impacting. Also, non-availability of these materials in some Selected schools may not be blamed on teachers but rather some heads often do not motivate teachers in terms of providing them with adequate audio-visual materials.

Purpose of the study

This study seeks to find out the following:

  1. i) To study the effectiveness of using audio-visual materials among learners in Oshimili L.G.A Delta State
  2. ii) To know learners’ views about the difference they found before and after learning through audio-visual materials;

iii)     To study the awareness of learning through audio- visual materials;

  1. iv) To know learners’ perception about the use of audio- visual materials;
  2. v) To know the problems faced by the learners in using audio-visual

Research questions


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  1. i) What types and quantity of audio-visual materials are available in some schools in Oshimili L.G.A Delta State?
  2. ii) How often do teachers use audio-visual materials while disseminating of knowledge?

iii)     What are the hindrances to the use of audio-visual materials in the study area?

  1. iv) In the perception of teachers, what benefits do learners derive from the use of audio-visual materials?

Significance of the study

Audio-visual materials have been in existence for a longtime, but they are often underutilized. It is expected that, following the identification of the hindrances to maximum utilization of audio-visual materials in schools, effort may be made to minimize the effect of the hindrances and promote adequate utilization of the available materials. Discoveries from the study may guide teachers, government, sponsoring bodies and donors on the purchase of not only printed materials but also non-print materials for literacy centres. When the use of audio-visual materials is encouraged, there may definitely by a high demand for the materials and the producers may put in more efforts in the production and even come out with more methods of applying them to teaching and learning. This may tend to expose the learner more to thinking than relying on the facilitator.

Scope of the study

The study is limited to the geographical area of Delta State. It covers specifically teachers in some literacy schools in Oshimili Local Government Area of the state.

Operational definition of terms

Availability of audio visual aids refers to the audio visual materials which the school authority is able to locate and afford.
Teachers’ use of audio visual aids refers to the teachers’ easy manipulation of the audio visual aids in a teaching situation.
Audio visual aids are those facilities, equipments and materials like computer, power point, television, model, specimen, white board, etc which are utilized by a teacher to illustrate, emphasize and explain a lesson with the intention of  making the lesson clearer to the learner.

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