The problem of indiscipline among primary school pupils


The problem of indiscipline among primary school pupils: A Study of Bunza local government area in Sokoto

Education is the aggregate of all processes by which a child or adult develops the abilities, attributes and other forms of behaviour that present values to his society. One of the cardinal objectives of education as spelt out in the National Policy of Education (2004) revised, is to inculcate right of values and attitude for the survival of the individual and Nigerian society.
Primary education forms the basis of the entire system of education, its importance lies in the fact that it serves as the foundation on which the subsequent edifice education system is raised. The immense contribution it makes to the overall development of the country is indicated by the research studies undertaken both in developed and developing countries including Nigeria, in order to achieve the universalization of primary education (Quadric, 2001).
The society at large help to contribute to the indiscipline problem among primary school pupils in that the society cherishes wealth and honour and honour wealthy individuals. Hence, the poor individual has no place at all. The importance the society attaches to wealth lure the young boys and girls to pursue wealth rather than education, which has long lasting value and legacy (Sanni, 2010).
The word indiscipline can be described as a mode of life not in conformity with rules and regulations. The term connotes the regulate capable of obstructing the smooth and orderly function of the school system. Some scholars identified indiscipline as a social menace that act across all human discipline, and as a cankerworm which has eaten deep into the fabrics of national life (Asiyai, 2012).
Indiscipline has been suggested on its own as a factor responsible for all problems and vices, which permitted academic, religious, political and social life against the growth and development of a nation. In Educational institutions, indiscipline among primary school pupils ranges from truancy, negligence of duty, loitering, absenteeism, noise making, examination mal-practice and so on. Also, gone are those days when pupils have believed in hard work as the honourable path to success (Ayeni, 2010).
Examination malpractice is no longer a new thing at the primary school level, pupils from different social status, privileged and downtrodden are involved in varying degree of indiscipline, respect for teachers and constituted authorities among primary school pupils has disappeared into thin air.
Indiscipline can also be found in family settings, religious homes like churches and mosques. Even though Nigeria today plays a significant role in Africa and international affairs, everywhere in Nigeria is still tensed with fear, anxiety, lack of harmony and various social ills. It is no exaggeration that to some extent, there is mass indisciplinary behaviours all over the country and this has grown from strength to strength daily.
Indiscipline can be found in all facet of our lives which could be among the poor and the rich, the literate and illiterate; and the young and old. As a result of low ethical value’s, various regimes in the recent times have created one body or another to combat indiscipline among Nigerian society (Ezekewesili, 2001).
Indiscipline in school is ranked as a major problem among primary school pupils in Nigeria. Disruptive behaviour is concerned with pupils whose education may be adversely affected, for these reason it cannot be ignored.
Indiscipline among primary school pupils has attracted serious attention of scholars and administrators (Mii and Makgata, 2006).
These scholars and administrators attributed indiscipline among primary school pupils to their state of development, they opined that when pupils notice certain biological changes signalling maturity in the cause of their growth and development, they tent to misbehave by flouting school rules and regulations.
However, the home and the school constitute an important factors in the formation of good or bad behaviour of pupils. The curriculum instruction provided by educational system must be the type that provide for moral and social need of the pupils which will result for moral in the growth and development of the nation.
Other incidence of indiscipline among primary school pupils are the society, lack of good leadership, rural-urban drift and so on (Naizpodia, 2010).
Some other likely incidence to indiscipline among primary school pupils according to Njoh (2003) is the home. The home is an important agent because this is where the pupil’s foundation and future are being laid by the parents. The home is supposed to be the place of peace, harmony, care, love and happiness, but in a home where this is lost or not found, it could result in indisciplinary behaviour in the child, like bullying, hatred, fighting and lack of respect for elders among others, which could have adverse effect on the pupils.
Other incidence from the home could be broken home. Large portion of delinquent pupils are from broken homes beset by quarrelling and fighting which result into parental neglect. These could make pupils develop negative attitude toward life.
In schools, such pupils are found to be aggressive and are fond of picking quarrels with their peers because that is the types of life they grow up to know (Odia and Omofonmuwan, 2001).
In addition, some parents’ attitude towards the school and teachers is not encouraging, this is so because some parents always take sides with their children whenever they are involved in any indisciplinary act in school. If only parents could co-operate with the school authority to eradicate indiscipline in the school system, the society herself will be at rest.
The problem of indiscipline in school has persisted over the years, with my experience during my teaching practice, I realized the problems of indiscipline in primary schools need to be addresses. Some indiscipline behaviour exhibited by these pupil include truancy, bullying, around when classes are going on disrespect for teachers, disregard for school rules and regulations, inattentive in class, among others. These negative behaviour could militate against effective teaching and learning process and the production of useful and acceptable members of the society. With regards to the problem above, what then are the incidence of indiscipline among primary school pupils?

Research questions

The followings were raised to guide the study:
Do pupils indulge in act of truancy in primary school?
In what ways do pupils involve in bullying behaviour in primary schools?
To what extent do pupils take part in fighting in primary schools?
In what ways are pupils involve in breaking school rules and regulation in primary school?
The main purpose of this study is to examine the incidence of indiscipline among primary school pupils in Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Objectives of the study

How pupils indulge in acts of truancy in primary schools.
Ways in which pupils involved in bully behaviour in primary schools
Extent to which pupils take part in fighting in primary schools
Ways in which pupils involve in breaking school rules and regulations in primary schools.
The result of the study will be beneficial to pupils, parents, teachers, counsellors, government and other researchers.
significance of the Study
The result of the study will be beneficial to pupils because the research focus on them and the solution will bring a positive development about their behaviour problem.
The result of the study will be beneficial to parents in terms of the outcome of the research, they will know their roles as parent and nurture their children in godly manner.
The result of the study will be beneficial to teachers that will make them know the role they are playing negatively in the schools that could bring about indiscipline in the pupils.
The result of the study will also help the counsellors to find solution to the problems of indiscipline as regards to the incidence and effects on primary school pupils which will help in the management of pupils both in schools and their respective homes.
The result of the study will expose the governments to where they have neglected their duties which has resulted in indiscipline in primary schools and how it can be rectified.
The result of the study will guide other researchers who may wish to conduct similar related research on the field under study in providing useful information.
Background to the Study 1
Statement of the Problem of the Study 3
Purpose of the Study 5
Significance of the Study 5
Scope of the Study 7
Research Questions 7
Conceptual Frameworks 8
Theoretical Frameworks 9
Review of Related Empirical Studies 12
Summary of Literature Review 28
Research Design 29
Area of the Study 29
Population of the Study 29
Sample and Sampling Technique 29
Instrument for Data Collection 30
Validation of the Instrument 30
Reliability of the Instrument 30
Method of Data Collection 30
Method of Data Analysis 30
Analysis of Research Question 31
Discussions of the Result 36
Conclusions 38
Educational Implications 40
Suggestions for Further Studies 41
Limitations 41
Summary of the Study 42
Recommendations 42


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