Entrepreneurship Project Topics & Materials


This study investigated on the government entrepreneurial policies that facilitate entrepreneurship and how effective these policies are on organizations. It focused on the empirical study of creating knowledge about entrepreneurship development in Nigeria. It studied the government efforts towards resolving the problems of entrepreneurship: lack of finance, managerial and technological know how, education and training, lack of experienced expatriate and local completion, inadequate infrastructure leading to high cost and finally high burden of taxation. The major findings of this research include; Government entrepreneurial development policies have immensely improved entrepreneurial organizations, these organizations in turn have contributed a lot towards economic and national development especially in the aspect of reducing unemployment and generating income. The most important incentive given to entrepreneurs by government is finance. The entrepreneurs still encounter other problems in areas of technical and managerial known how, employee training and development, poor supply of infrastructure. Based on these findings, the researcher strongly recommends that entrepreneurial organizations should be included in training and development of their managers and other staff to acquire managerial and technical know how to enable them cope with the challenges of modern management. For the maintenance of human variable, there is need for human resource improvement. I humbly recommend to the Government to draft programmes like workshops, seminars, and career development programme which should have incentives attached to them. I humbly recommend to the Government to compel the environment to be supportive to entrepreneurs e.g. finance houses and banks should grant them loans. I humbly recommend to Government to equally give them grants from time to time, reduce the burden of tax and implement already made policies for the entrepreneurs. I equally recommend to Government to provide basic infrastructure like electricity, pipe borne water, boreholes, access roads, suitable spaces, market places for these products especially in the rural areas to reduce the cost encountered by the entrepreneurs. The researcher therefore concludes, that as the “foundation for growth and national development”, entrepreneurs are indispensable and must be given paramount attention by the government.

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