The Impact Of Xenophobic Attacks On Nigeria-South Africa Bilateral Relations


Implications Of Xenophobic Attacks On Nigeria-South Africa Bilateral Relations

While the xenophobic attacks in South Africa have claimed the lives of a number of Nigerians, leading to the deaths of 121 Nigerians. Several reasons have been giving for these xenophobic attakcs. One of the reasons outlined by scholars is economic competition from foreigners. Other contributing factors include: inimical immigration policies and the inaction of the government to punish perpetrators. Nigeria’s foreign policy has been characterized by specific focus on Africa. And this has encouraged her to participate in efforts towards regional integration, peacekeeping, etc. Nigeria’s afrocentric foreign policy posture was also the rationale behind her struggle against apartheid. However Nigeria’s foreign policy has over time been characterized as weak due to its declaratory stance on issues with little or no action. Such has been the status- quo with respect to the xenophobic attacks against her citiens in South Africa. Nigeria’s foreign policy as mundane due to the fact that countries aided by her afrocentric foreign policy hardly express their gratitude.

PROJECT TOPICS: The Impact Of Xenophobic Attacks On Nigeria-South Africa Bilateral Relations

This paper therefore takes the position that Nigeria’s foreign policy of afro- centrism should be reviewed towards a more declarative and affirmative stance on issues of importance in the realm of international politics. Nigeria’s foreign policy as reviewed must gaurantee and protect her strategic interests in the international system.


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