Effect Of Workshop Programme On Naija Fm On The Audience Behaviour

This study was designed to assess Effect Of Workshop Programme On Naija Fm On The Audience Behavior. A survey method was adopted in undertaking the study and stratified random sampling technique was used in the selection of the sample size for the study. Five research questions were formulated for the study involving the staff of naija Fm. Answers were sought on available types of information on workshop programme which include: Health, Let Them Live, Agric Panorama, Animal Husbandry, Inside Politics, Politics Today, Entrepreneurship among others. From a sample population of three hundred and twenty three (323) questionnaires distributed, two hundred and ninety three (293) were returned. Data was analysed, using frequency tables, percentage count, pie charts, bar charts, and histograms. The researcher assessed the message content, language used in presenting the workshop programmes on health, agriculture, politics, sports, cultural activities and economic empowerment programmes. Efforts were made to ascertain whether audience benefit from the programmes or not, the level of benefits, behaviour and level of satisfaction derived from these programmes by the audience and how it shaped their behavior. The study discovered that the workshop programmes aired by the radio played appreciable roles in effectively disseminating information and shaping the behavior of the audience. The study found out that the management of Naija Fm houses and audience were positive about the potential of enlightenment on government socio-economic workshop programme, while some respondents took for granted the information they got from the programme. The study also discovered the challenges faced by stations such as inadequate modern equipment, inadequate funds, lack of ICT facilities, and clashes in time schedule for the programmes by different stations, security of their equipment and government interference. It was recommended that, taking into consideration people‟s socio-cultural and religious way of life, the use of simple language, good timing and developing audiences‟ research mechanism will go a long way in influencing listeners of the programme towards attitudinal change. It is also recommended that government and well- meaningful Nigerians should ensure the provision of new and up-to-date facilities, provision of ICT facilities, smooth broadcasting of programmes, improved human capacity building for radio personnel; provision of adequate funds by government, provision of security to safeguard the equipment, as well as the enactment of relevant laws that would prevent unnecessary government interference.
Background of the Study
The influence of radio on workshop programmes cannot be undermined in national development. It is on this basis that radio is used as a medium of communication to the rural and urban dwellers through information dissemination on socio- economic workshop programme, aired by various radio broadcasting stations in Nigeria . Over the years, government has been battling with the issues of socio-economic problems, through various workshop programmes in the areas of health, agriculture, politics, sports, culture, economic empowerment, among others, which are key to economic development (Meyer, 2005).
From time immemorial, radio has been acknowledged as one of the most important landmarks of information vanguard in human communication. It is on this fact that government uses it to enlighten its citizenry on its policies and socio-economic workshop programme that are vital to human development. Radio also plays a tremendous role in serving as the basic element of interaction and information-sharing among the listeners, who pay attention to government workshop programme that have immense benefits to them, including those in the rural areas. These workshop programmes have brought improvement in various areas of human endeavour, such as health, agricultural practice and products, partisan politics, sport activities, cultural activities and economic empowerment programmes across the state (Dauda, 2011).
In Lagos state, these programmes are aired by naija radio fm, in English, to the listeners on socio-economic development.
Radio stands to serve as an agent of social mobilization to enable people deliver certain goals, based on the awareness they receive to demonstrate their rights, as radio signals travel very fast and are considered the most popular, viable and cost effective means of communication. Radio breaks the barrier of distance, literacy, language diversities, which can accelerate social transformation, geared towards socio-economic development. “Prior to the early or late 20th century, radio has grown to a global phenomenon in affecting mass mobilization by conveying information and ideas to distant isolated locations” (Dominic, 1999). What is obvious about radio is its ability, as a medium, to change attitudes and behaviour of its audience, which include the rural dwellers. In order to tackle the problems, facing the rural populace, through the provision of their basic needs, government usually embarks on developmental programmes and projects, which cover a wide range of human endeavours. According to Asemah (2010), “development is a process of change in attitude, social, structural and general acceleration of economic growth, through reduction of poverty and inequality”. Asemah (2011) also notes that development in human society is a many-sided process. At the level of the individual, it implies increased skills and capacity, greater freedom, creativity, self-discipline, responsibility and material well-being. The achievement of any of these aspects is very much tied with the state of the society as a whole. Development involves the creation of opportunities for the realization of
human potentials. Human beings have certain basic needs, which must be satisfied so that they can properly function in the society. Among these are enough food, employment and the elimination of the kinds of inequality, which leads to poverty.
According to Bittner (2005), “radio is an effective medium for mass mobilization, especially in enlightenment and workshop programme”. It is on this basis that government uses radio in communicating to its citizens on planned developmental programmes, which can impact on the lives of the people, in Lagos state, in the areas of health, agriculture, education, shelter, portable water, roads and transportation, electricity, security, tourism, among others. It is based on these needs that “Communication experts opine that for any development effort to succeed, the people must be provided with adequate information that will enable them understand the significance of the projects to their lives and then, take informed decision either to take part or not,” (Ochonogor, 2004). It, thus, suggests that the ability of the media to broadcast relevant messages to specific audiences would enable such to take decisions, which would ordinarily impact on their lives and the environment they are located in.
Statement of the Problem
Government uses radio to communicate with citizens through providing them with information about the existing services and projects that are vital to human development in terms of workshop programme. It also helps the rural populace to benefit from these developmental programmes of government. If government can provide the necessary machineries to monitor development projects in rural areas, radio must be involved. It is a known fact that government may have been making tremendous efforts over the years towards this direction, however, as serious as these programme may be, they yield little positive results on the lives of the audience. It is on this basis that dissemination of information through the radio is very vital for development. According to Anthony (2007) 80% of the Nigeria population are rural based and need developmental programmes to help them live a meaningful life. Through government information disseminated to them, they are being enlightened on its plans, concerning rural development.
Based on preliminary observation, this study centres on Effect Of Workshop Programme On Naija Fm On The Audience Behaviour . The aim of this research is to assess the workshop programme, aired by Naija Fm station to the rural dwellers, as regards the benefits and challenges in this programmes aired to the audience.
Research Questions
This research is geared towards eliciting answers to the following questions:
What are the enlightenment and socio-economic workshop programme, aired on Naija Fm broadcasting stations in Lagos state?
What are the areas in which the enlightenment and socio-economic workshop programme are aired on Naija Fm broadcasting stations?
What are the aims of these enlightenment and socio-economic workshop programme broadcast on Naija fm?
What are the benefits of these enlightenment and socio-economic workshop programme aired by Naija Fm to audience behavior?
What is the level of satisfaction derived from the enlightenment and socio- economic workshop programme?
Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study include the following:
To identify the various enlightenment and socio-economic workshop programme, run by the Naija Fm broadcasting stations in Lagos state.
To identify the various sectors in which the enlightenment and socio-economic workshop programme are aired.
To determine the aims of these enlightenment and socio-economic developmental programmes. on on workshop programme
To examine the level of satisfaction by male and female audience from the enlightenment and socio-economic workshop programme, broadcast by radio stations in Lagos state.
Significance of the Study
The essence of carrying out this research is to identify the areas of value of public enlightenment and workshop programme, with a view to determining how these enlightenment programmes are used to enhance efficiency among audience. This research adds value to knowledge and proffers solution to the existing problems, which shall help in both the radio broadcasting and the societal development.
Government planned developmental programmes hinge on impacting positive well-being on its people across borders. This can go a long way to promote the image of the nation and also indicate that government shows more concern on developmental programmes, especially to the rural dwellers that are far from its decision- making centre. Therefore, findings from this study can be used by radio broadcasting stations to improve on their enlightenment and workshop programme.
Scope of the Study
This study is delimited to Effect Of Workshop Programme On Naija Fm On The Audience Behaviour . Looking at the broadcast nature of electronic media, this work is delimited to Naija Fm
Operational Definition of Terms
For better understanding, it is necessary to define the following terms and concepts as used in the context of this study:
Assessment: This is the act of making judgment, evaluation, estimation or investigation. Rural: Refers to hamlets or villages located outside or away from towns and cities where they still have high traditional lifestyles that may not be found in urban areas or centres.
Enlightenment: The act of giving information in order to broaden or enhance knowledge, understanding and awareness to people.
Workshop programme: These are the processes of making more advanced progress in the lives of rural persons with the creation of opportunities for realization of human potentials.
Broadcasting Stations: These are media houses where information is processed and transmitted through signals and is being received by the public.

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