Impact Of Corruption On Transportation And Economic Growth In Nigeria Growth Under Democratic Dispensation (1999 -2018)


Impact Of Corruption On Transportation And Economic Growth In Nigeria Growth Under Democratic Dispensation (1999 -2018)
1.1 Background to the Study
Nigeria became independent in 1960, having a population of over 150 million people with diverse culture and abundant resources. Nigeria has a very large labour force to support the labour market and economy which consists of different sectors, such sector includes the Agriculture sector, the Energy sector, the Mining sector, the Manufacturing sector, the Banking sector, the Communication sector, the transportation sector and so on.
Many economists have been interested in factors which can cause the growth of their nations, one major factor is TRANSPORTATION. The study of Transportation in Nigeria has  become important due to the view or thought of researchers trying to formulate better policy that will affect the transport sector positively which will later bring about an efficient, effective and standard transport system. Thus the demand for Transport service in the country over the year has increased rapidly, while the supply of transport services has declined due to lesser infrastructure in place in the system, because a well-functioning and integrated transport system among other thing in the economy stimulates national growth and development which enhances the quality of life for all enabling the seamless movement of goods and services and people, through the provision of vital linkages between spatially separated facilities which enables social contact and interaction possible and also providing access to employment, health, education, and other services which brings about civilisation. For instance, Agricultural products generated in the rural areas needs to be carried/taken to the urban centres for further distribution which can take place or be achieved only through means of transporting those goods from that place to another, here transportation provides the means by which product are circulated around the country.
The evolution to modern transport system in Nigeria can be viewed from two phases according to the federal government of Nigeria draft on national transport policy on august 2010.The first phase is the colonial period that marked the origin of modern transport system.


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