
The effects of bad roads on the technological system in Nigeria


Road transportation is an essential component in the development and growth of any society whilst involved in the movement of people and freight from one point to another. This study attempts an assessment of the state, types and functionality as well as distributions of road transport technology in Nigeria. Data were obtained from both primary and secondary sources. Information was gathered from road users, road workers and traffic law enforcement agents using stratified sampling technique. In all, 380 respondents were successfully interviewed. The result on the analysis of the state of bad roads on the technological system in Nigeria using Kaduna as a study reveals that 10% representing 38 of the respondents say roads infrastructure are of Excellent state, while, 23.3% representing 86 respondents attest that are of Good condition. While the remaining 15.7 representing 60 respondents are of the opinion that the state of road transport infrastructure ware very poor. Also, result reveals on the analysis of the respondents on their perception on the types of road transport infrastructure in Kaduna state discloses that 87.4% as represented by 332 respondents attest to the presence of culverts while 12.6% of them says it is absent. Similarly, 83.2% of the respondents‘ reported that there is presence of bridges while 16.8% of them attest to the absence of it. Also, on the issue of zebra crossing, 20.8 percent of them says it is present while a significant 79.2% says it is not available. The responses on the functionality of road transport infrastructures in Kaduna state reveals that 165 of the respondents indicates that the roundabout [intersections] are highly functional while 117 of them says it is fairly functional and 98 respondents indicates the absence of it. On the issue of the functionality of culverts as a critical road transport infrastructure 151 respondents affirms its high functionality while a sizeable number of them within 89 and 48 respondents indicates that it is not functioning and not present respectively. Similarly, 113 respondents attest to the high functionality of road Kerbs, 64 indicates its fairness, while 29 and 174 attested to its non-functionality and non-availability respectively. Also on the distribution of road transport infrastructure by zones, standard z score analytical technique was adopted and the result reveal that disparity exist in terms of road infrastructure within the zones. The study therefore recommends that government of Kaduna state should make efforts to quantify and rehabilitate and balance the existing road transport infrastructure while reintroducing tolling system on strategic road infrastructures to raise additional funds for maintenance. Also, the government should diversify its objectives on provision of road transport infrastructures through partnership arrangements with private sectors on the public private partnership (PPP) however putting action into plan for the future in providing alternative means of transport to reduce burden on the existing road transport infrastructures.
Title Page i
Declaration ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vii
Table of Content viii
List of Tables xii
List of Figures xiii
Abbreviations / Acronyms… xiv
Background to the study 1
Statement of the Research Problem 4
Aim and Objectives 8
Justification of the Study 9
Scope and limitation of the Study 9
Introduction 13
Theoretical framework of transport infrastructure development… 25
Assessment of transport infrastructure development… 27
Global trend in transport infrastructure development 27
Comparative benchmarking of transport infrastructure development 29
Nigeria road classification 32
Challenges of road transport infrastructure in Nigeria 41
Road transport development in Nigeria 44
Current road transport infrastructure development plan and programme……45
2.5 Issues associated with road transport infrastructures development in Nigeria……47
2.5.1 Road transport infrastructure development strategies and opportunities in Nigeria 48
Location, Size and Population 50
Physical setting 48
Relief 52
Drainage 53
Climate 53
Population structure and distribution 54
Economy 55
Agriculture 55
Industries 56
Social Economic Infrastructure 57
Education 57
Health care Delivery 58
Water Supply 58
Transport and communication …
59 3.2 Methodology 61
Reconnaissance survey 61
Types of data required 61
Primary data… 52
Secondary data 52
Source of data 62
Sample size 62
Sampling Technique 65
Data Analysis 65
Introduction… 67
General information on respondents 67
Distribution of Political Zones… 67
Types of Respondents… 68
Socio economic characteristics of respondents 69
Gender distribution of the respondents 60
Age distribution of the respondents 70
Level of educational background of the respondents… 71
Distribution of the frequency on how often the respondents travel… 72
Existing state of road transport infrastructure in Kaduna state 73
Characterization types of road transport infrastructure in Kaduna state ………75
Functionality of road transport infrastructure in Kaduna state 79
Distribution of road Transport infrastructure by zones in Kaduna state 83
Summary of major findings… 88
Conclusion 90
Recommendations 73
References… 92
Appendix I

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