The study was on the Investigation in to the factors that influence the development of technical education. The study was guided by five research questions. Population for the study consisted of 5,003 NTC III Technical College students. Using a proportionate random sampling technique, a sample of 492 students was used for the study. The instrument used for collecting data is a structured questionnaire titled Investigation in to the factors that influence the development of technical education Questionnaire. Mean and standard deviation was used to analyze the data collected and answer the research questions. The findings of the study were: Technical College students agree that environmental factors and parents/guardians related factors influenced development of technical education, while Students personality related factors; peer group related factors and career guidance officer do not influence their vocational choice in Technical education. Based on these findings the following recommendations were made: Students should not be forced by parents or guardians to choose any career, but rather be guided according to their ability; Students should be encouraged to liaise and interact among themselves and with their teachers based on their individual personality difference and the suitable career opportunities that suit their abilities and interest when choosing a vocation.
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