Change is a re-occurring demand in our daily existence and takes place from time to time as innovations and inventions are introduced to meet up with current trends.
According to Stewart (1996) the future is uncertain and any particular or specific change will generate other changes. It is well known and widely accepted that organizations and business enterprises like banks, insurance companies, among others are in existence to produce, make profits and develop.
A change is any deviation from a normal situation and its management requires specific skills. There is nothing as certain as change.
Cardinal Newman once said “to live is to change, to live a long life is to change many times. We experience several changes in our course of development from childhood to adulthood. Such changes are accepted as challenges and opportunities.
According to Megginson et al (1989: 55) change is the term of the famous adage that nothing is certain but death and taxes. Everyday people experience significant change in their lives and careers. These changes may involve accepting a promotion at work, transferring to new office or even starting a new family. The way people react to change differs. One will likely welcome changes which provides one with options and resist changes that give you no choice.
Change and change management are concepts that have come to assume greater importance in the discussions of the executive of most companies. This is partly born out of the fact that the only thing certain in life is change. Mokikan (1996:96). In view of this it is importance that individuals, group and corporate bodies must consciously plan for managing change if the rewards from it are to be maximized. Since change is something we have to live with, the better we are able to manage its introduction and consequences the better for all.
If an organization refused to change such organization will be changed, many organization have collapsed because they refused to change or manage change when it occurred.
Forces of change are also known as change drivers or change initiators. They can either be external or internal. The external drivers are those forces that are outside the control of management has little control over the; they have a greater effect on organizational change. No organization can operate in vacuum. An organization must interact with its external environment if it’s to survive. The organization’s physical, financial and human resources are obtained from outside and the clients and customers for the organisation’s products and services are also there.
Internal change forces are pressures for change, which come from within the organization for which reasonable measure of control. These may include the appointment of new chief executive officer, new organization objectives, managerial policies, technologies, employees attitudes, operation start ups, business relocation, mergers and acquisitions.


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