Entrepreneurship Education Programme And Its Impact On Graduate Student's Business Success In Nigeria


Entrepreneurship Education Programme And Its Impact On Graduate Student’s Business Success In Nigeria


Entrepreneurship education programme in Nigeria seems to be pursued largely in Tertiary Institutions with a number of Polytechnics, Colleges of Education, Monotechnics, Professional Institutes and Universities offering one or few entrepreneurship courses and/or programs. Entrepreneurship Education has been an important research field among developed academics for a considerable length of time. The prolonged and heightened interest in the field of entrepreneurship is impelled by several factors: some being, as a means of revitalizing stagnated economies; stimulating developing economies and coping with unemployment problems by providing new job opportunities for graduates and the likes. In developing economies, such as Nigeria, entrepreneurship education in tertiary institutions is still at its infancy and can be seen as an engine of economic progress, job creation, and social adjustment among others. With the Nigerian economy being in transition, into the new democracy, Small business start-ups are accounting for an increasingly greater proportion of economic activity in the country (Tende, 2015).

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