the electrical design and installation requirement for a mega filling station



A mega filling station can be described from its name –MEGA; which means larger in size. This implies that mega filling station is a large-scale fuel station outlets where fuels of various forms are sold. A typical example is the NNPC MEGA FILLING STATION in the various states of Nigeria. Each of the NNP MEGA FILLING STATION has twenty fuel dispensers while that of Abuja has twenty eight fuel Dispenser pumps.
The electrical Design and installation Requirements of a MEGA FILLING STATION is indispensable as long as electricity is concerned. This project describes the Electrical Design and Installation Requirements for a MEGA FILLING STATION by giving an Architectural Design, Electrical Design, the legend, the Load chart/balancing and fuse arrangement.
The type of wiring system described by this project is the concealed conduit system which employs PVC pipes and its accessories of various sizes, PVC cables of various sizes and electrical fittings of various types.
The chapter one, introduces us into a mega filling station, An electrical Design and installation Requirements. The chapter two, dealt on literature reviews. The chapters three and four dealt on the electrical design and installation requirements for a mega filling station. The chapter five, dealt on conclusion and recommendations.

Table Of Content

  • Title page
  • Approval page
  • Dedication
  • Acknowledgement
  • Abstract
  • Table of content

Chapter One

  • 1.0 Introduction
  • 1.1 Mega filling station
  • 1.2 Electrical Design
  • 1.3 Electrical Installation Requirement

Chapter Two

  • 2.0 Literature Review
  • 2.1 History of filling station
  • 2.2 Gasoline station
  • 2.3 Standard Oil of Nebraska
  • 2.4 NNPC Mega Filling Stations

Chapter Three

  • 3.0 The Electrical Design for a Mega Filling Station
  • 3.1 Architectural Design
  • 3.2 Electrical design of a mega filling station
  • 3.3 Electrical Design of Admin Block
  • 3.4 Electrical Design for fence light, canopy lights & motor pumps
  • 3.5 Legends

Chapter Four

  • 4.0 The electrical installation Requirements for a mega filling station
  • 4.1 Piping installation stage and its Requirements
  • 4.2 The cable installation stage and its Requirements
  • 4.3 The fitting of accessories installation stage and its requirements

Chapter Five

  • 5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation
  • 5.1 Conclusion
  • 5.2 Recommendation
  • Reference

Chapter One


The invention of internal engines gave rise to the need for fuel consumption in our present day. The increase in automobile ownership resulted in a greater demand for filling stations. A filling station can be described as a fuel station outlet where motorists, cyclists, industrial fuel-users, commercial fuel-users and Domestic fuel users purchase fuel of various forms for use. At these outlet, three major fuels stand out, which are PREMIUM SPIRIT (PMS), DIESEL (AGO) and KEROSENE (DPK). The premium spirit is used by motorists whose engines are designed for it, the diesel by diesel-engine automobiles and the kerosene mostly by domestic user at their various houses.
As of 2007, there were 9,271 petrol stations in the U.K, down from about 18,000 in 1992. the U.S.A had 12, 446 filling stations (gas stations) in 2000 according to the census. In the Canada, the number on the decline to about 14,000. In the following countries numbers of stations are rising. Turkey- 12,139 petrol stations (2008), -8,200 petrol stations (2008), South Africa -6,500 petrol stations, Kenya -1,300 petrol stations, Tazania -1000 and Malawi – 500 [from internet:filling station – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].
As the demand for fuel consumption around the world increases, the need to build more filling stations in various forms and types becomes inevitable. As a result of these development, the name “MEGA FILLING STATION” resulted as one of the various forms and types of filling stations that sells fuel to the public. Other people may choose to call theirs MINI, MEDIUM or any other mane depending on what they have in mind as oil-marketers around the world. The point of interest to us here, is the MEGA FILLING STATION.”

1.1 A Mega Filling Station

It can be described from its name- mega which means some thing bigger or larger in size. This implies that Mega Filling station is a large-scale fuel station outlets where fuels of various forms are sold. A typical example is the NNPC MEGA FILLING STATION around our various states in Nigeria. Each of the NNPC MEGA FILLING STATION has nothing less than twenty fuel dispenser pumps (Ten double nozzle dispensers) and the one in Abuja has twenty eight fuel dispensers pumps (fourteen double nozzle dispensers).
The NNPC mega filling station has a steel canopy, a 360 sqm shop building for Abuja (and 160 sqm for other states) with office and attendant’s room. The facility also has bullet proofed casher room, car workshop, sound-proofed generator house, a forecourt and perimeter fence.

1.2 Electrical Design

The design of a mega filling station and its attendant gadgets makes electricity an inevitable source of power supply. Base on this fact, there must be an electrical design that must give a blue-print on which a Mega filling station must be wired.
An electrical design is a design describing a blue-print or pattern in which structures like a building, an industrial lay outs, a community or such like can be wired electrically. It is designed by an electrical engineer with various symbols representing various features or electrical accessories in the actual structure based on the Architectural design from an Architect.
Along side an electrical design is a table of symbols called “LEGEND”. The legend contains all the symbols found in the electrical design of the structure with an explanation attached to each symbol, telling those who look into it what they mean.
Another feature attached to the electrical design, is the ‘LOAD CHART AND BALANCING TABLE”. This feature explains how loads are distributed and balanced in the Distribution Board of the structure design electrically by the electrical engineer. Another important feature of the electrical design, is the FUSE ARRANGEMENT. This feature is so important to the design because it specifically stipulates the ratings of each fuse and the circuit coming into it from the designed structure. It shows whether the structure is a single phase or three phase system and the ratings of fuses allocated to each phase. It also reveals that the earthling must be connected to the body of the Distribution Board which links the whole Earthing of the structure. The various sizes of cables required can be seen at a glance from that fuse arrangement design. Things like gear switch and change-over switch are also necessary for such a structure like filling station.

1.3 Electrical Installation Requirement

The electrical installation requirements differ from one design to the other and from one structure to the other. The following are necessary in an electrical installation of a building:

  1. Lighting points
  2. Switches
  3. Socket outlets
  4. Air condition outlets
  5. Hot water Heater
  6. PVC cables of the required sizes
  7. Earthing system
  8. Accessories of the required types
  9. Distribution board of the required types
  10. Change-over switch
  11. Main control Gear switch

The list above is just to give an idea of some basic electrical installation requirements for a building. These requirements can be used for surface, concealed conduit or trunk wiring.


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