The Role of Personal Selling in Enhancing Client Satisfaction in


The Role of Personal Selling in Enhancing Client Satisfaction in
Nigerian Insurance Market



Nigerian insurance industry is beset with a number of challenges, the most prominent is the low awareness level among the insuring public. This may be resolved through effective personal selling as promotional tool for insurance services. Personal selling is a unique element of marketing, it does not only create awareness and provide information about the features of the products; it also adopts individualistic approach that is designed to meet specific need of prospects and specific market segments. This study will be useful to insurance and marketing practitioners who wish to understand why there is variation in the demand for similar products of different producers. It will arouse the reasons for constant review and update of marketing strategies as response to changes in the business environment.This paper examines the roles of personal selling in enhancing clients’ satisfaction in Nigeria insurance market. A descriptive cross-sectional survey research was adopted and 110{One Hundred and Ten} respondents from selected insurance firms were randomly selected. Data procedures were done using descriptive and inferential statistical instruments while independent T-test was used to test the hypotheses. Findings revealed that personal selling strategy is the most beneficial marketing communication tool that should be embraced by Nigerian firms. It may also be used to improve the image of the industry.


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