With specialties in the 1980s human resource management has started gaining and sustaining competitive advantage as it does to enhance competitiveness and to add valve to the firms in everything’s. It does with these, human resources management has repositioned what used to be called personnel management by giving it greater acceptance, scope responsibilities and position of influence and has started playing strategies roles in some of the following areas. Through better management and utilization of people and improvement in the professional skills of managers.
According to Agu C.N d(2001) possession of experience and enthusiastic staff is a great asset or strength of business. Also as noted by P.U Akanwa and Aham Anyanwu (1999) human resource refers to all the workers in a business organization considered as a group.
The human resource is the only types of organization resources capable of self management as well as managing others resource for the achievement of the organization goal(s).
Unilever Nigeria plc was formally registered as lever Brothers Nigeria plc, lever Brothers plc, was incorporated as lever Brothers (West Africa) LTD on 11th April 1927 by Lord Lever’s hidture and has business in Britain.
Willian Hesketh levers, the founders of lever Brother Nigeria, whose part of his basic philosophy was to produce soap of a high quality and levers registered trade mark in SUNLIGHT.unilever Nigeria plc strengthened its foothold in the food and drinks business by mergers with Lipton Nigeria limited on July, 1985 and chase brought proceed industries December 1988 to become a giant in the manufacturing business.
In accordance with the Nigeria enterprise promotion   with the Nigeria enterprise promotion decree of 1972 and 1977 sixty percent of the company’s equity is did by Nigeria citizen white party percent is had by foreign investors
Today, unilever Nigeria plc is a leading company in the industrial sector , engage in manufacturing and marketing of a wide range of chouse hold products which includes soup and powered soap as it product link. The unilever Nigeria plc offers close –up paste for sale in different size like large size, medium size, small size, sachet and these sizes are regarded as its product item.
Initially when the question of development of a new factory house four alternative location were considered. The include: Onitsha Aba, Umuahia and Port Harcourt. Aba was chosen in preference to others because of its strategies location within the eastern region and also had easy access road facilities to the Owerri and Calabar areas and the South eastern regions.


Human resources department of some organization perform various function but much is yet to be desired in the area of human resources planning which has led to the following

  • Poor recruitment and selection policies and procedure
  • Inadequate and storage of personnel with requisite skills
  • Low productivity
  • Inability to cope with change
  • Poor training and development programmes.

To find out the level of human resource planning practiced.
To examine the procedure steps involved in human resource planning
To ascertain how human resources planning is related to recruitment and selection.
To prefer solution on how to use human resources planning to improve the quality of personnel in organization.

  1. What are involved in human resources planning?
  2. how is the recruitment and selection done in the company
  3. how does training and development facilities human resources planning in an organizations
  4. What factors militates against human resources planning in an organization.
  5. Does human resource planning enhance employees’ performance in an organization?
  6. Do effective human resources planning and development programme improve production efficiency?
  7. What is the major use of human resource planning in an organization?
  8. do human resource planning censure efficient recruitment and selection of employees in an organizations

The following hypotheses were formulated to determine the validity and reliability of the study. Null hypothesis
Hi: human resources planning do not enhance employee’s performance in an organization.
Alternative hypothesis
Ho:  human resources planning enhance employees’ performance in an organization.
Ho: human resource planning does not ensure efficient recruitment and selection of employee in an organization
Hi: human resource planning efficient recruitment and selection of employees in an organization


This research work will be immense value to unilever Nigeria in update its personnel management programme items
In establishment team to realize that that there were major or key to human resource planning tools for worker effective management
It will also make the manager to beat advantage to know and understand subordinate strength and to know the weakness the needs to overcome.
This will contribute greatly to future research in this field and other related field as a reference material.
In addition it is cone of the pre-requisites for the award of National Diploma (ND) in Business Administrations


This study on the impact of human resource planning on the performance of the organization will help unilever Nigeria plc. One of the limitations of this research is having a difficult time in finding the information’s. And lack of finance is another limited of this research.
The researcher analysis was limited to the answer gotten through the questionnaires other limitations, encountered included but not restricted to time and money.


HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING: this is the forcasting of staffing needs determining the steps needed to fulfill those needs in personal management.
RECRUITMENT: this is the process ascertaining the manpower needs of the organization and communicating these needs to labour market so that those who meet the requirement of job opening can apply
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: Training is the process of acquiring specific skills, knowledge and attitudes needs to solve some specific organization problems development includes training to improve skill in the performance of ca specific job.
MOTIVATION: This is the process of changing the individuals’ behaviours to a direct end.
PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: This is ca systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his potential for the development.
COMPENSATION PROGRAMME: A programme designed to attract capable employees to the organization to motivate them towards superior performance and retain their service over an extended period of time.
MANPOWER: This refers to the human resource in an organization, capital of effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieving its overall objectives.
ORGANIZATION: This is a group of people coming together to achieve a particular goals.
PROMOTION : This is a process of changing a staff level as a pre-requisites of  motivating him/her in the organization
PLANNING: This is predicting future happening and based on the prediction put in plan action that will enable the organization realize it goals.


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