Hand Washing Knowledge and Practices Among Public Primary schools in Nigeria


Hand Washing Knowledge and Practices Among Public Primary schools in Nigeria


Attitudes are very influential in determining hand washing practice among children which can depend on their belief and can be regarded as determinants of people’s behavior, therefore, it is very important to modify people’s beliefs (catalina Lopez-Quintero, 2009).
Caregivers’ attitude towards hand washing can affect child’s health. A study done in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic revealed that 38% of caregivers were busy to wash the children’s hands before they ate which increased the risk of diarrhoeal diseases (McLennan, 2000). According to a study conducted in India showed that forgetfulness was the primary reason as to why children missed washing hands before eating food with 88% forgot to wash their hands before meal and 84% after toilet use (Priyanka P. Gawai, 2016).
Hand washing promotion programs can transform children to getting good attitude towards hand washing. A school-based hand washing promotion program on knowledge and hand washing behavior of girl in a Middle school of Delhi showed that after the program intervention, 95% of the girls felt that hands should be washed frequently (Setyautami T, 2012). According to a study in Northern Ethiopia on knowledge, attitudes and practices of hygiene among school children revealed that the preference for hand washing was 98.8% before meals and 53.1% after meals (ALYSSA VIVAS B.G, 2010).


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