
This is written to show the overall system of our project and gives information and direction for developing and designing  telemonitoring system for school children in the North East remote areas accessing the chronic diseases. This project work contains every stages of the system development life cycle of the project. Hence the topics are clearly defined as we sense and noticed anybody who wants to develop the system can use it as sample. It shows the system analysis methodology, process designing, and data base designing and logical designing techniques


Background to the  Study

Telemonitoring refers to the transmission of symptom scores, physiological data including heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and weight directly to care providers either via automated electronic means or by web-based or phone-based data entry. Over time these interventions have evolved from automated phone response systems to web, to interactive television-based systems, to mobile phone or PDA-based systems to complex systems, which wirelessly transmit recorded physiological data. Anker (2015 ) subclassified telemonitoring systems into those which function as nonreactive data collection devices (such as event recorders), those with a delayed analytic and decision-making structure (e.g., only within office hours), those with continuously operating analytic and decision-making infrastructure, and complex systems that integrate invasive and noninvasive data .
The headway of innovation in the field of healthcare has enhanced an incredible nature. Remote patient monitoring is a techniquefor medicinal services conveyance that utilizes the most recent advances in information technology to assemble persistentinformation outside of customary human services settings.
Patient’s health details exchanged and kept up with a secured data management system. Due to the growing population, the Tele-Monitoring System confronting the issue in Medicine Delivery Process and should be tended to Quality enhancement in Patient Empowerment and Medical information communication. Incorporated remote monitoring
solutions with alert and messaging frameworks can tell providers when patients are in steadyor basic conditions without the requirement for a medical clinic room. Remote checking can enhance the service of interminable sicknesses by estimating basic hazard markers, for example, glucose, circulatory strain, and so forth. These gadgets can likewise give health data generated by patients to doctors and keep patients educated on their wellbeing objectives. Medicinal services associations, especially clinics, can utilize remote checking to confine related healthcare cost, and cut downon the utilization of progressively costly services. These offices can extend their extent of administration and rest guaranteed that patients are keeping up a healthy status


Statement of the Problem

Over the last couple of decades the healthcare monitoring system has drawn considerable attentions of the researchers. The growing trends in information and communication technology (ICT) applications have given birth to potential technologies (such as, Telemedicine, Telemonitoring and Tele-health etc.) which have replaced the traditional healthcare with more advanced digital healthcare system. Although these technologies have reshaped the healthcare scenarios at a good extent but none of them has fully succeeded in providing a complete, up-to-date and reliable telemonitoring frame-work in terms of cost, time and better real-time diagnosis. Consequently, most of the available technologies being practiced are used in parts which are equally expensive as well as time-consuming. 

Objectives of the study

The main objectives of this study is to investigate the Automated Telemonitoring system for school children

The specific objectives are:

  • To promote speedy communication of users within & between providers
  • To increase efficiency of employees in the hospital.
  • To eliminate distance and time barrier.
  • To reduce waiting time for sicked school children.
  • To promote speedy access of school children’s diagnostic history.
  • To increase patient data confidentiality and security.
  • To easily follow up the patient.
  • To reduce costs of travelling of chronic one patients

Scopes Of The Study

Although the telemonitoring system involves many things and activities that can be run within it, yet due to lack of time and space, we were not able to use this software in other operating systems apart from windows operating system (that is from windows XP to windows operating system of higher versions).

Limitations of the Study

This work meet several limitation factors such as
Financial constraints: This hinders the researcher from the beginning of this work. Lack of finance to get the needed materials and equipment for the study.
Inadequate Literature: The telemonitoring system is a new area of study yet to be explored by other academics. The researcher were thus faced with unavailability of previous research works from scholars.However, the limitations of this study does not in anyway affect the data and results of the study.


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