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Implementation of an Academic Research Paper Plagiarism Checker System


The problem of plagiarism in Africa generally is growing at an alarming rate, especially in Nigeria. The students of all categories are involved, ranging from primary, and secondary to tertiary institutions. To solve this problem, this research focuses on a way of developing software that detects plagiarized information on the internet and our computer folders which contain some past research works documents and a repository of our important documents.

In view of achieving this, some internet search engines were used such as Google.com, Altavista.com, and Yahoo.com. While detecting on computer’s records saved, some pattern matching algorisms were used.

As part of the instruments used, Programming language (Visual Basic 6.0) was used in connections with Database management utility (Microsoft Access).



While academic dishonesty is not a new phenomenon, there is no agreement about why plagiarism is so prevalent in the academic world. It is broadly acknowledged that online plagiarism is high because of the easy availability of information.

Plagiarism is a worldwide problem and actions taken to prevent it has been intensifying since about 2001 when teachers and university managers began to realize the impact of the digitalized text, the Internet, global communications, and increasingly efficient search engines(Carroll & Zetterling, 2009).

A mass survey conducted by Rutgers University reports that 38% of students are involved in online plagiarism. These alarming figures show a gradual increase in the phenomenon (Heyward, 2000).

Most graduating students nowadays go to the library and choose four or five research project topics done some years back and submit them to their supervisors for approval. When any of these topics are approved, they just go and copy everything verbatim, except preliminary pages claiming to be the pioneers of those research projects. This has a devastating effect on our educational setup. To solve this situation from getting out of hand, a modern technological step needs to be taken. Even though it cannot stop plagiarism in totality, still it reduces it to a manageable level.

Maurer, Kappe, and Zaka (2006) considered Plagiarism to be a most serious scholastic misconduct; academia everywhere is undertaking efforts to educate the students and teachers, by offering guides and tutorials to explain types of plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Today academic research supervisors and reviewers of all scholarly journals look for the following for students’ chapter’s approval and selection of a paper for its inclusion in a journal:

• Originality – what’s new about the subject?

• Relevance to the topic?

• Research methodology – are conclusions valid and objective?

• Clarity, structure, and quality of writing – does it communicate well?

• Sound, logical progression of the argument

• Currency of references

• Compliance with the editorial scope and objectives of the journal (Navin, Soni, Makhdumi, 2009).


Plagiarism causes academic institutions to lose their integrity, honesty, and values that are due to community which leads to going contrary to academic standards.

Plagiarism is a major problem at nearly every educational level from elementary schools to colleges. The following surveys serve as indicators of the stated problem:-

A survey conducted as part of the Center of Academic Integrity’s[CAI] Assessment project reveals that 40% of students admitted to engaging in plagiarism as compared to 10% reported in 1999 (McCabe, 2006).

A recent survey conducted by the Center for Intellectual Property[CIP] indicates that Internet plagiarism—where students cut and paste text taken from the Internet without attribution—has increased to 41 percent among college/university students. Students’ unpermitted collaboration at some medium and large institutions increased from 11 percent in a 1963 survey to 49 percent in 1993. In a 1999 survey, over 75 percent of the college students surveyed admitted to some type of cheating. Although some are quick to blame the culture of the Internet as the root of the problem, some scholars note that the shift towards increasing plagiarism has taken place since the 19th century(Center for Intellectual Property, 2003).

Angelil-Carter (2000) claims that there is a lack of clarity across academic institutions about what constitutes plagiarism and a discrepancy in the way plagiarism is detected and enforced.

Computer science department, UNN thinks that students steal materials from the internet or elsewhere, pay persons to do their work and most of the academic staff award them A’s or B’s to enable them to obtain 21 or 3.5 CGPA to qualify for master’s or Ph.D. admission(Postgraduate Students’ Seminar Template, 2007, p. 4).


The objective is to develop a system that should be able to:-

1. Detect a plagiarized text on the internet when searching.

2. Detect a Plagiarized text on a computer when searched on records saved using the system developed.

3. Fast track a duplicate of students’ proposed research topic.

Academic Research Paper Plagiarism Checker System



The development of any country mostly originated from academic research institutions or centers; these are places where most innovations and inventions originated. Plagiarism discourages this development. So to achieve such development, our researchers and students have to be encouraged to shun this vice(plagiarism). This laxity and laziness have to be discouraged so to attain development.

The significance of this research is to discourage unethical academic behavior and self-cheating: plagiarism and uplift the academic integrity of our academic institutions and shun what can drive us back from developing our country.


The scope of the study as the title suggests is centered on detecting plagiarized information on academic research reports either through the internet or on computer drives/folders.

In the process of carrying out research work a lot of problems posed serious challenges to the researcher and tended to limit the researcher from attaining the stated goal fully. The fund is one of the factors that hindered the researcher from buying the anti-plagiarism systems, due to how costly they are.

Time constraint was a major limiting factor as lectures were still on at the time most research was concluded.

Suspicious information/Text: Information that the researcher claims ownership of and the Supervisor doubt.

Drives: Computer HardDisk, CD Plate use, External HardDisk, Flash Disk, etc

Folder: Computer Directory that stores files

Program: Software Developed

Supervisor: Project Academic advisor.

Programming Language: Set of specific codes used to write a computer program.

Program: Set of instructions or commands written in a specific programming language to guide the computer in executing a particular task.

Implementation: The process of putting a newly developed computer program into the actual task for which it is designed.

Testing: Evaluation of designed/produced software

Research Topic Duplicate: Another similar project research topic was found.

Originality: First initiated/compiled information by the researcher.

How to Write a Conclusion for your Final Year Project

In order to successfully complete a project for your senior year, you will need to organize your material into clearly delineated sections that adhere to specific formal and content requirements. In the majority of pieces of writing, there is an introduction, which is then followed by the section on the method, the results, the discussion, and ultimately the conclusion. The conclusion is one of the sections with which college students struggle the most.

The adage “last, but not least” is followed here by these sections. The conclusion is where the finishing touches are put on the work, where it is brought to a close in a manner that elicits some kind of reaction from the reader. For this reason, we are going to address more clearly how a good conclusion should be written in this article, highlighting what the last section of the majority of university papers consists of and explaining what should be in them. In addition, we will provide some examples of good and bad conclusions.

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List of Google scholar project topics

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How To Recover Your Money From COTP


If you lost money in a COTPS Ponzi scheme, you should talk to a lawyer whose job it is to help people get their money back.

COTPS Ponzi schemes are immensely complex investment fraud case because they only use digital wallet (USSDT).

A Ponzi scheme often involves:

  • A complicated set of facts;
  • Multiple state and federal securities regulators;
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  • A significant number of victimized investors; and
  • Several defendants who may potentially be held legally liable.

To make matters even more challenging, the COTP Ponzi schemer may claim that all of the investor money is already gone.

Investors must remain vigilant to recover compensation; as such, if you have been affected by a COTP Ponzi scheme, don’t hesitate to contact an aggressive lawyer immediately.


COTP is a fraud because they dont have legitimate and verified means of trade. The 2hours trading is just a coding/scripted files to make it real.

COTPS is not having a known SMS issues what so ever, all they tell you is a pure lies. Consider this report to find out ; Review of COTPs SMS Verification Code Issues For Withdrawal.

Meanwhile a  special report from Projectstore.com.ng has revealed that  COTP Real Owner Is Dead

COTP is a fake in every way. If you use the Wayback Machine, you can see that the original meaning of COTPS was “Cooley’s Olde Tyme Piano Shoppe,” which is why COTPS.COM was created. Because the man was late, his website was sold. Last year, an unknown group of cyber gangs bought it and worked on it, but it didn’t work right until this year.



The Growth And Popularity Of Naira Marley Songs Among Students


This synopsis is on the Growth and popularity of Naire Marley songs amongst studentsThe chapter one of the research will extensively dwells on several variable such as background to the study, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, research questions, scope and significance of the study among others.The Chapter two shall provides a review of the literature related to the areas of songs preference, songs listening involvement, songs uses, and physiological and mood responses to songs. Chapter three shall describes the subjects, instrumentation, and data collection procedures and a description of the analysis of the data for the study. Chapter four shall contain an analysis of findings. Chapter five shall provides the summarized conclusions of the study.


Popularity is relative. It can take positive or negative directions. The major factor is to have activities that would generate interests. However, the human response to song has traditionally been the subject of philosophical thought. More recently, the human response to song has been the subject of psychological investigation. The notion that songs can and does affect people is more than mere conjecture, but the mechanisms involved in determining human response have not been clearly identified (Hahn, 1954). The basic problem centers on the question of whether human reaction to songs is primarily explainable in terms of characteristic properties of the songs itself or  psychological responses in the listener.

Research on how personality influences and predisposes the response of the listener to songs  has generally focused on individual preference for a type of songs. Although the bulk of the literature suggests that personality is related to songs preferences, generalizations about the magnitude of the relationship are not possible, given differential assessment of both songs preference and personality (Abeles, 1980). A number of studies investigated personality factors, which are determinants of songs preferences. Fisher and Fisher (1951) found that personal insecurities, anxieties, and fears influence songs preference. Intellectual introversion has been shown to be an influential personality factor in determining songs growth and popularity (Keston & Pinto, 1955). Bartha (1982) found significant differences between songs category groups and needs for achievement, deference, exhibition, autonomy, tolerance, change, endurance, and heterosexuality. Self-concept was shown to be related to songs preferences (Blackburn, 1983). Other studies identified differences in personality characteristics reflected in songs preferences (Cattell & Anderson, 1953; Hahn, 1954; Mayeske, 1962; Payne, 1967). A representative review of the research on the relationship between songs preference and personality factors will be presented in Chapter II

Another important dimension of the human response to songs is related to the meaning of songs. The bulk of the literature addressing the issue of the meaning of songs is presented in line with basic philosophical aesthetic positions regarding the affective response to songs. A description of the various aesthetic positions will be presented in Chapter II. The various aesthetic positions are primarily concerned with nonlyrical “serious” or art songs and have limited applicability to contemporary popular songs enjoyed by the majority of young people. Although the various aesthetic positions regarding the meaning of songs may lack sufficient validity when applied to popular songs, the major theoretical issue regarding the source of variation in attributed meaning may have some relevance in attempting to clarify the meaning of popular songs. Variables contributing to songs meaning can be classed under two broad categories: (a) those related to the structural characteristics of the songs stimulus and (b) those related to the listener. In terras of the second category, basic personality style, as well as state of motivation for interacting with songs, have received recognition as potential variables affecting songs meaning (Radocy & Boyle, 1979).

Several studies (Greer, Dorrow, & Hanser, 1973; Greer, Dorrow, & Randall, 1974; Radocy & Boyle, 1979) have shown an increasing preference for rock songs with advancing grade level, but little is known about why young people tend to prefer this songs style over others. Although songs listening is a primary activity for young people (Coleman, 1961; Frith, 1981; Larson & Kubey, 1983), little is currently known about how adolescents use songs and what functions songs listening serves for them. Insights into the role of songs for individuals come from both philosophical and psychological theories regarding the function of songs.

Merriam (1964) recognized 10 major personal and social songs functions:

  1. emotions,
  2. aesthetic enjoyment,
  3. entertainment,
  4. communication,
  5. symbolic representation,
  6. physical response,
  7. enforcing conformity to social norms,
  8. validation of social institutions and religious trials,(
  9. contribution to the continuity and stability of culture, and
  10. contributions to the integrity of society


With Naira Marley songs like “Am I a Yahoo Boy” and  “Jo Soapy” Naira Marley rose to popularity and great heights in Nigeria. However many Nigerians are not convinced that these songs bear a helpful message to the general populace, especially the youths who are easily influenced by Celebrities. Infact many are convinced that they help promote social vices such as 419 and Masturbation. This is even made more obvious due to his band of very motivated followers on and off social media who refer themselves as “Marlians”.


The main aims of the study is to investigate the Growth and popularity of Naire Marley songs amongst students. The study specifically shall:

  • examine the impact of media in the growth of Naire Marley’s Songs among students
  •  to analyze the relationship between personality and students choice of music in Naire Marley’s Songs
  • to investigate the communication channels and students preferences of Naire Marley’s Songs


The study sample represents undergraduate students ranging in age from 18 to 28 years, who volunteered to participate in the study.

1 The sample shall not be random and shall not represent  all youth in Nigeria.

  1. Subjects shall be volunteers and results cannot necessarily be generalized to nonvolunteers.
  2. The independent variables selected for this study did not include all of the influences that might have been selected (e.g., the media, songs ,growth and popularity,communication channels).
  3. The study data shall be self-report information and customary caution must be used when considering the findings.
  4. The results of this study cannot necessarily be generalized to all youth in as much as cultural differences in songs preference might be expected to influence the relationship between popularity and growth of the song


This study assumed that:

  1. Young people can identify and select a general songs preference .
  2. Personality factors are related to songs popularity and growth
  3. The study also assumed that Songs is a fundamental channel of communication: it provides a means by which people can share emotions, intentions, and meanings . Songs can exert powerful physical and behavioural effects, can produce deep and profound emotions within us, and can be used to generate infinitely subtle variations of expressiveness by skilled composers and performers, such that highly complex informational structures and contents can be communicated extremely rapidly between people.


Research methodology is the organized inquiry which includes the planned and the systematic data collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation for solving identified problems (Ihemeje, 2006:15). The methodological details shall cover the following areas: Research Design, Population of the Study, sampling Technique and Size, Instrument of Data Collection, Validity and Reliability Test and Method of Data Analysis.

The field survey research method was used in conducting this study. Wimmer et al (2003:167-168), explains that the survey method presents the universe of the study by appropriating or reducing the universe in that it provides the study with the opportunity to check on the incident, distributions and interrelation of variables (demographic, information, attitude, motives, intentions and so on).

The study shall made use of the survey method. The survey design shall aimed at finding out primarily from respondents, Growth and popularity of Naire Marley songs amongst students. This design shall be adopted because the study sought to find out the opinion of respondents. Kerlinger (1973) supported this approach because the survey methods enable the study of a relative population needed to provide primary information or finding on a research.


  • Abeles, H. F. (1980). Responses to music. In D. A. Hodges (Ed.), Handbook of music psychology (pp. 105-
  • 134). Lawrence, KS: National Association for Music Therapy.
  • Bartha, R. E. (1982). Personality variables and musical preference. Dissertation Abstracts International,
  • 43, 2700B. (University Microfilms No. 83-00,206)
  • Blackburn, W. D. (1983). The relationship of self-concept to adolescents’ musical preferences and level of involvement with music listening. Dissertation Abstracts International, 44, 3549B. (University Microfilms No. 84-03,487)
  • Fisher, S., & Fisher, R. L. (1951). The effects of personal insecurity on reactions to unfamiliar music.
  • Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 265-273.
  • Hahn, M. E. (1954). A proposed technique for investigating the relationship between musical
  • preferences and personality structure. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Kansas, Lawrence

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2022 Political Science Research Topics

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